Elena Poverenov
Researcher A+ (Equivalent of Full Professor)
Head of Advanced Materials and Agro-nanotechnology Research Center
Volcani Institute, Agricultural Research Organization (ARO)
tel: +972-39683354 , +972-506220070,
e-mail: elenap@volcani.agri.gov.il
Elena Poverenov earned her B.Sc. (summa cum laude) in Medicinal Chemistry from Bar Ilan University in 2001. Elena Poverenov received her MS. and PhD in Organic Chemistry at Weizmann Institute of Science in Prof. David Milstein lab, the laureate of Prize Israel. Her MS. work was focused on the synthesis and reactivity of complexes based on PCN-type ligands and her PhD dissertation was titled "Reactive Species Stabilized by Complexation to Pt- group Metals". In 2009, she was awarded the Clore Foundation's Post-Doctoral Fellowship and joined Prof. Michael Bendikov's group at Weizmann Institute, where she worked on conductive polymers.
In 2011, Elena joined the Food Science department at Volcani Institute Agricultural Research Organization (ARO), focusing on the study and design of advanced nanostructures based on natural polymers. She focuses on the development of advanced systems for the rational delivery of active agents in food, medicine and agriculture, edible coatings for the enhancement of quality in agricultural products, bioactive gels, biodegradable films, and "contact active" surfaces for the prevention of food cross-contamination. Her research lab developed several new concepts that made a high general impact on the material and agricultural sciences worldwide. In 2018 Elena, together with her colleagues established and currently serves as a Head of the Multidisciplinary Research Center for Advanced Materials and Agro-nanotechnology. Elena has published over 80 articles in leading international journals among them the top scientific journals in her research fields and multidisciplinary journals such as Nature, JACS, ACS Nano, Green Chemistry, Chemistry of Materials, Carbohydrate Polymers, etc. Since 2011 she has mentored 14 MSc students (9 have already graduated), 9 PhD students (6 have graduated), and 14 postdoctoral fellows. She obtained 38 international and national grants (24 as a PI) from EU, BARD, BARD-NIFA, GFI, Israel-China, ICA, and Ministries of Health, Science, Innovation and Agriculture. For introducing new research directions, Elena received numerous awards among them "Awardee for Research in Food and Agriculture" from International Agropolis and Olam Foundation (2017), the prestigious Yigal Alon Prize for contribution to the Israeli Society in the Field of Food and Agricultural Research (2020) and Researcher of the Year Prize (2022) for establishing a new research field in ARO.